Northern Lights Festival Volunteer Application - CODE OF ETHICS
Northern Lights Festival is very pleased to have volunteers commit their time to help make our festival a great success. Their efforts, and those of many, many others, are a part of a larger effort to achieve our mission which is: to engage the world in the heritage and culture of Northern BC.
As with any event of this scale, there must be guidelines to follow. Please read on for a summary of expected volunteer practices and behaviours at the festival.
You have the right to:​
Invitation to volunteer-only events.
Information about festival policies and procedures.
Recognition as a volunteer.
Appreciation for the contribution you make.
We Expect You To:​​
Attend on-site volunteer orientation.
Be aware of the time commitment and responsibilities of your task(s) prior to accepting a role, and honour that commitment.
Be on time for all meetings and activities associated with your task(s).
Inform your Crew Chief quickly if you are unable to meet any of your responsibilities.
Ask a Crew Chief if you don’t know the answer to a question, and report problems to any Crew Chief or Volunteer Coordinator.
Please Note:
Be a responsible and enthusiastic Northern Lights Festival and Fort Nelson ambassador.
Do not commit illegal, violent or unsafe acts.
Do not show up intoxicated to your volunteer shift.
Unfortunately, children are not allowed to accompany you during your shift.
Treat everyone at the festival and volunteer camp with respect. No abusive language.
Keep confidential any information that Northern Lights Festival has entrusted to you.